How Do You Pick A President?

A Christ-Centered Perspective on Truth, Tolerance, and Responsibility in Politics
As we approach what is arguably one of the most critical elections in American history, it’s vital that we pause and reflect on the current state of our nation. In the flurry of political debates, personalities, and scandals, it can be easy to lose sight of the bigger picture.
Today, rather than getting lost in the noise of who said what, let’s take a step back and evaluate things from a Biblical perspective – a Christ-centered lens.
We are living in a time where the trajectory of our country feels uncertain. Our culture is often described as “drunk” with its own deceptions, self-reliance, and misplaced priorities. Just as I once encountered a group of intoxicated fans at a football game who were completely detached from the action, our society seems equally unaware of the spiritual battle raging around us.
This election is about much more than just the candidates – it’s about the heart and soul of our nation. As believers, it’s crucial that we step back and see the broader picture through the lens of God’s truth.
Truth: Anchored in God’s Word
Let’s begin with the concept of truth. The Bible makes it clear that truth is not something we find within ourselves but is something that exists outside of us – rooted in God. In John 8:32, Jesus said, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The truth isn’t relative, and it’s not something we can manipulate based on feelings or circumstances. When society embraces the idea that what’s true for you is true for you, and what’s true for me is true for me, we find ourselves floating recklessly on a sea of chaos.
A football game without rules is pure madness. Imagine a quarterback deciding that he should have seven downs instead of four simply because it feels right to him. That is the kind of confusion moral relativism brings to our world. But God’s truth offers an anchor – an unshakable foundation. As we head to the polls, we must ask ourselves: which platform upholds absolute truth? Which policies align with the transcendent principles of God’s Word?
Tolerance: The Real vs. The Faux
Next, let’s consider tolerance. True tolerance, according to its original definition, is “the willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.” As believers, we are called to be tolerant in this sense – respecting and loving others, even when we disagree. But in today’s culture, tolerance has been distorted.
What is often called “tolerance” today is actually faux tolerance, where society demands not just acceptance, but also approval and applause, for beliefs and behaviors that go against Biblical teachings.
We are told that we must affirm lifestyles, choices, and beliefs that contradict God’s design, whether it’s in the realm of marriage, gender, or life. But as believers, while we accept all people and show them the love of Christ, we cannot compromise on truth. Just as we wouldn’t affirm adultery, we can’t affirm what the Bible clearly teaches as sinful behavior. We are called to something greater than simply being tolerant; we are called to love in truth.
In 1 Corinthians 13, love is described as something deeper and more challenging than mere tolerance. Love tells the truth, even when it’s hard. Love seeks unity, not division. True love points people toward the transformative power of God’s truth, knowing that it’s the truth that ultimately sets people free.
Responsibility: Taking Action and Voting
Finally, let’s talk about responsibility. As Christians, we have a responsibility – not just to ourselves but to our communities and our nation. The Bible is clear that we are to be good citizens, to work hard, and to care for those who cannot help themselves. This extends to our civic duty to vote.
In Romans 13, we are reminded to respect governing authorities, but we are also given the privilege of participating in the election of those authorities in a democracy.
In 2012, 25 million Christians chose to sit out of the election. That’s 25 million voices that could have made a difference! We are the most influential voting block in America, and we have a duty to make our voices heard. It’s easy to become discouraged and disillusioned with the state of politics, but refusing to vote is not the answer. Sitting out or casting a vote that is essentially wasted does not advance the cause of Christ.
When we go to the polls, we must ask ourselves: Which candidate’s platform reflects Biblical truth? Who upholds the responsibility we have to work, to protect life, and to maintain the values God has given us? Voting is not just a right; it’s a responsibility we bear as Christians to influence the direction of our nation toward truth, justice, and righteousness.
Conclusion: The Call to Act
As we reflect on the future of our nation, we must ground ourselves in truth, exercise real tolerance, and take responsibility. This is not just a political contest – it is a spiritual battle for the heart of America. We have been given the privilege to vote, and we must do so with discernment, prayer, and a biblical worldview.
Let us not be a nation that is intoxicated by deception, floating aimlessly on the seas of relativism. Let us anchor ourselves in God’s Word and stand firm for truth, exercising our right to vote as responsible citizens of both heaven and earth.
The future of our nation, and the impact of our witness as Christ-followers, depends on it.