I Am the Way, the Truth, the Life

John 14:6 “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”
In Sully, Tom Hanks plays Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot who made a split-second decision to land a failing plane on the Hudson River. Everyone survived, but afterward, investigators questioned his choices. They ran simulations, analyzed the data, and told him he could’ve made it back to the airport. But Sully stood firm. “I had to trust what I knew was true,” he said. His decision led to life.
Jesus made an even greater declaration—not about airplanes, but about eternity. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). He didn’t say he was one way among many or a version of the truth. He said he is the way—the only way to God. He is the truth—the only reality that stands unshaken. He is the life—the only source of eternal hope.
The world says all roads lead to God, that truth is whatever you make it, that real life is found in success, relationships, or self-discovery. But if we could create our own way, define our own truth, or find life apart from him, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die. The cross proves that no self-made path will ever be enough. The only way to God is through Jesus. The only truth that leads to freedom is his truth. The only life that lasts is found in him.
Maybe you’re searching, wondering if you’re on the right path. Jesus isn’t just offering a direction—he’s offering himself. He is the way home. He is the truth that never fails. He is the life that never ends.
Measure everything against his truth. Before making a big decision, ask: “Does this align with God’s Word?” If you’re unsure, compare it to Scripture (start with Proverbs or the Gospels) or ask a trusted Christian mentor. When in doubt, choose what honors Jesus, not just what feels right in the moment.
God, I choose to follow you today. Help me to trust your direction, stand firm in your truth, and find my deepest joy in you alone. Show me where I’ve been looking for life apart from you and lead me back to your path. In Jesus’ name. Amen.