Ed Young Articles

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The Secrets to a Successful Marriage

This article explores the secrets to a successful marriage, highlighting the importance of using all of our senses, reflecting the Gospel of Jesus in our marriage, and focusing on Jesus, humility, and forgiveness. The article also discusses the impact of culture on marriage and the role of communication in building a strong and healthy relationship. The importance of setting aside time for intimacy, laughter, and growth is also emphasized. The article provides practical tips and biblical wisdom for strengthening and improving a marriage.

Cultural Philosophies Opposing Christianity

I've been part of a category 5 hurricane before, and the most damaging aspect of a hurricane is the

Marked By Marxism

When I was in college, a girl in one of my classes wore a black T-shirt with a picture of Karl Marx.

Marxism in the Church Today

The Bible says in Colossians 2:8–1, “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and dece

What Is A Christian Worldview

This article discusses the concept of a Christian worldview and the importance of developing one. It explains that a Christian worldview is based on the Bible and puts God at the center, while a secular worldview is centered on man and emotions and does not believe in absolute truth. The article also discusses how God reveals His worldview through both general revelation in nature and science and special revelation in the Bible, and provides three questions to ask oneself in order to develop a Biblical worldview. The ultimate goal of a Christian worldview is holiness, rather than happiness, and it is important to strive for this in all aspects of life.

Do You Have a Blind Spot? 5 Questions That Evaluate Your Christian Worldview

This article discusses the concept of a worldview and the importance of evaluating and developing a Christian one. It explains that a Christian worldview is based on the Bible and puts God at the center, while a secular worldview is centered on man and emotions and does not believe in absolute truth. The article also provides five questions to ask oneself in order to evaluate and develop a Biblical worldview, including whether it is logically consistent, supported by empirical evidence, promotes existential relevancy, promotes moral absolutes, and promotes a belief in God. The article encourages readers to adopt a Christian worldview in order to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

A Christian Worldview Is the World’s View Filtered Through God’s Truth

This article discusses the concept of a worldview and the importance of adopting a Christian one. It explains that a worldview is a comprehensive perspective on life and that everyone has one, even if they do not realize it. The article contrasts a Christian worldview, which is based on the Bible and puts God at the center, with a secular worldview, which is centered on man and emotions and does not believe in absolute truth. It also provides six differences between a Christian worldview and a secular worldview and encourages readers to adopt a Christian worldview in order to live a meaningful and fulfilling life guided by God's truth. The article also suggests four ways to filter a secular worldview through God's truth, including studying the Bible, seeking wisdom from believers, being guided by the Holy Spirit, and submitting to God's will.

The Fear of Truth

When Jesus was on trial for his life, Pontius Pilate asked him, “What is truth?” This is a great que

How to Deal with Rejection

When was the first time you ever felt rejected? When was the first time someone turned their back on

How to Conquer Fear

Learn how to overcome fear by putting your faith in God and trusting in His power to fight for you. Discover practical tips and biblical examples to help you face your fears and live a more courageous life.

The Purpose of Marriage

This article discusses the purpose and attributes of a successful Christian marriage, highlighting the importance of putting God first in the relationship and serving each other, maintaining kindness and avoiding harsh words, celebrating differences, letting go of past pain and grudges, and maintaining physical and spiritual intimacy. The article emphasizes the need to work on building a strong, healthy marriage in order to honor God and have a fulfilling relationship.

Raising a Christian Family

Learn how to incorporate positive discipline into your Christian family and raise your children to honor God. This article offers 5 practical tips on how to establish clear boundaries, make the punishment fit the crime, prioritize consistency and reliability, use natural consequences, and model love and forgiveness. Use these strategies to create a secure and loving environment in your home and teach your children the importance of respecting authority and following God's Word.