Ed Young Devotionals
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John 15:1 teaches us that Jesus is the true vine, and by staying connected to Him, we can bear lasting fruit. Instead of striving through self-reliance, we find true fulfillment and purpose by remaining in His presence, allowing His life to flow through us and produce spiritual growth and joy.

John 14:6 reveals Jesus as the only way to the Father, the ultimate truth, and the source of eternal life. Instead of following worldly paths or subjective truths, we are called to align our lives with His Word, trusting that only through Him can we find true direction, freedom, and lasting fulfillment.

John 11:25 shows Jesus as the Resurrection and the Life, offering hope even when situations seem dead and beyond repair. No matter how hopeless things appear, His power can restore life, purpose, and a future—calling us to step forward in faith and trust His resurrection power.