Rudeness Rising
1 Corinthians 13:5, “It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”
The problem with self-assessment is most people would rather point out someone else’s faults instead of their own. When we look at verse 5 and see the checklist characteristics of love, can we mark them off? Love isn’t rude, love isn’t selfish, and love is not resentful. Do you feel like sometimes you keep a list of the tasks you have done for others all day? Do you get bitter? Maybe you feel like you have been mistreated or owed something.
Do you know we can love someone like Jesus? We can actually choose to love well, even when we don’t feel like it. 1 Corinthians 13 sets a high standard, but the Holy Spirit equips us. The Holy Spirit enables us to live unselfishly. Wall Street Journal essayist Merrill Markoe calls the world we live in a “renaissance of rudeness”; rudeness is rooted in selfishness. Our world communicates to everyone, “it is all about me”; Jesus says, “don’t be selfish”. We are in the business of reconciliation, not rudeness. We are in the business of sanctification, not satisfaction.
Love doesn’t lose its temper. Today practice unselfish love. Love sees the potential, so today, speak life into someone you may otherwise want to avoid. Love expunges a rude soul.
Father, thank You for the courage to live out Your love. Open my heart and eyes to ways I can show Your love to others. Give me a true love for others so that I can honor them. Amen.