The Well of Unmet Longing

John 14:13-14 “And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
Jesus, exhausted from his journey, arrives at a well in the heat of the day. A woman approaches, carrying a jar—but also carrying shame, rejection, and disappointment. He asks for a drink, yet as he so often does, he turns an ordinary moment into an invitation for something greater.
Just as our bodies crave water, our souls thirst for something deeper. We long for security, connection, purpose. The woman Jesus met in John 4 had spent years searching—five marriages, another relationship that lacked commitment—yet she was still empty. She came for water, but Jesus saw her deeper need.
Like her, you and I know the ache of unfulfilled desires. Maybe you’ve prayed for healing, but the pain remains. Maybe you’ve longed for a relationship, but loneliness lingers. Maybe you’ve chased success, only to find it doesn’t satisfy. We try to fill the void with people, achievements, distractions—but none of it lasts.
Jesus knows. And more than that—he offers something better. Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Jesus doesn’t just give temporary relief; he is the source of lasting fulfillment. His presence brings peace, his love fills the emptiness, and his faithfulness sustains us even when life feels incomplete.
The woman at the well came that day for something temporary, but Jesus offered her something eternal—himself. The same is true for us. We may think we need an answer, a relationship, a breakthrough, but what we need most is Jesus. And the best news? He is already here, offering us the only thing that will truly satisfy. Will you drink from the well that never runs dry?
Bring your longing to Jesus – Instead of stuffing down your desires or chasing temporary solutions, talk to Jesus about them. Pray honestly: “Lord, I feel empty in this area. Help me trust that you are enough.”
Jesus, I come to you with my deepest longings, knowing that only you can truly satisfy my soul. Help me to stop chasing things that leave me empty and instead drink deeply from the living water you offer. Fill me with your presence, renew my heart, and teach me to trust that you are enough. In Jesus’ name. Amen.